Saturday, January 28, 2012

I am sick and tired of people telling me that script kiddies can hack into my computer and steal all my data my life along with my wife. I am from the Armed Forces. I have been scared into buying an original OS, dabbling with Open Source Operating systems conned into buying Antiviruses and Firewalls. What takes the cake is that any new hack discovered, seems to be directed at the Indian Army or atleast is made out to be as such. It is made out to be so serious as if any firearm , bullet or missile created anywhere in the world  against the Indian Army.

    Today, 28 Jan 12, I'd request anyone who can hack to start hacking me and my computer. Proof has to be posted. I will continue using the computer as i do, visiting the same sites, using the same browser, not clearing cookies, using e-mails, simple passwords, credit card transactions etc... etc..

   Proof posted as to how the hack / info has / could impact the Indian Army will be given extra Credits.


  1. Why should any one hack you... just to convince you? This is not worth it for any hacker to be spending time on!

    Place an award through an escrow account and get convinced.

    The only fool-proof security in cyber world is not to use it at all. To be practical, depending upon the degree of value of your data, create an matching security infrastructure. If it is critical for national security - lay off!

    1. Sir, My contention was the same as yours :- no body cares much about what we Faujis post. It is quite irrelevant except for the bureaucrats with half baked knowledge who think they know but are quite clueless. All their knowledge is based on claims of capabilities of hackers. Hackers and Int Agencies are least interested in what Col ABC of Indian Army thinks, knows, operates or is posted.
